Saturday, January 12, 2008

2008, a slow start for training

I got a cold from Kelton on December 20th. By mid day, I was feeling chills, hot flashes, and just all round feeling crappy. I called Stacey to come home and help me take care of the boys and went upstairs to bed. For the next week, I felt absolutely horrible and was unable to do much of anything. It wasnt fun for our house guests Im sure but what could I do. Anyway, this is the first week I did anything other than walk to dog. Last week I tried to go for a hard walk with the dog and every time I got my breathing rate up, I would start coughing to the point where I had to stop walking. So, for almost 15 days, I didnt work out at all. I just sat at home and got fatter.
This week, I did bike rides of 45 min, 1 hour, 1:40, and 2:15, all on the trainer. My butt is sore. I try to stand up but I cant do it for long because my left calf starts to twitch and the bike shakes and its hard to maintain pedal momentum. Today was a good trainer session. I met up with about 15 others at a church gym in Portland and we watched the 1997 and 1998 Ironman worlds on a big screen. The time goes by quicker, I have found, when you play a cycling or triathlon video or an action packed movie. A movie might be good but if it doesnt have a lot of stuff exploding or a high body count (Die Hard 4 for example), the time in the saddle drags on and on.
I had a great appointment with a physical medicine specialist this week. She spent over an hour with me and I learned a lot of new things about myself. I got a 5mm lift for my left shoe and tried it out yesterday on a 2hr hike. I felt no hip pain at all on the right which is something I had not experienced in a long time.
This coming week, I will be trying to get back into my regular routine of swimming 3x/wk, running 3x/wk, and riding 4x/wk. Wish me luck

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