Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week recap

Had a great run today. I was scheduled for an easy 70 minutes in which I was able to do 5.5 miles. I forgot my HRM on my bike so I just used my old watch which I keep in the truck. The husky was pretty good today, taking care of his business within a half minute walk from the garbage can and he didnt do his usual nutty 1 minute of spinnin donuts around me and sprinting to the end of his leash.

Afterwards, I could feel no pain in my hip, other than the ordinary, and no knee pain which was very nice. I didnt do much different today than usual as far as running, but whatever the reason, I hope it continues to (not) happen.

Totals for the week:
Swimming (get this out of the way first): 0 meters, I try and pick this up next week :)
Running: 10.5 miles
Bike: 68 miles, all trainer

Friday, March 28, 2008

Time Trialing in the garage

Yesterday I did my scheduled TT on the bike. It was snowing in the AM and was very cold in the PM so I just did it on my trainer in the garage. No wind, no turning around, no road conditions to complain about, just my sore butt. I averaged somewhere around 20-21mph for 12.5 miles, finishing in 35:51. I guarantee you I would have done it faster on the road where I did the TT earlier this year because out there, I had no distractions like a movie or my Dad sawing wood with a circular saw 20 feet away but in any event, I did it. My HR ave was 128 and the overall HR for the hour I was on the bike was 122. In the TT in February, I averaged 177 or so if that is any indication that I worked harder then. I was also on my TT bike, not my road bike, and I had a lot of teammates out there so the peer pressure was more. If it ever stops snowing (ITS THE END OF MARCH DAMMIT), I will do another TT to see where Im really at when it counts.

Today is a day off and a little off topic but I got a new gig doing consulting work for a health management company so Im pretty happy that things are looking up work wise.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Snowing in March

It snowed today, not much, but what weird weather we are having. I had an hour ride planned yesterday and should have taken advantage of the beautiful day but instead, I rode inside on my trainer and finished watching "300". All in all, it was a lame movie and I should have hit the road. Having said that, Im trying to keep my HR within the limits set by my coach, so a trainer ride was way easier to keep that in check. I am wishing I had a power meter, or at least, wishing I could try one out to see what all the hubub is about and see if I can get more fit training that way versus the HR. I have heard it is a great way to train but its also a great way to get $1K poorer.

I missed the pool session again today. Even though it is spring break, and my parents are here to watch the kids, I am just not getting down to the pool. Tomorrow I am supposed to do a 20k TT to find my thresholds at this time of the season. Im not supposed to do anything else but I think I will try and give a short swim a go after my TT. It is so difficult not having a coach. I still have my training plan, its not the same. Perhaps that lottery will hit my numbers today.

I did a short run/walk after dinner tonight, 36 minutes. Probably only around 2.2 miles around my neighbourhood on sidewalks etc and since Im used to running on the trail that is marked every quarter mile, I dont know how far I went. Felt pretty good. I was supposed to take it easy, and my HR Ave was 138. I dont know how much I ran versus how much I walked but it was probably 50/50.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A good ride

Even though it was a gorgeous day yesterday, I rode on my trainer. My training plan called for a 60 minute ride, spinning at 90-100 rpm. I usually cant maintain that while riding outside unless I am on a completely flat road like Marine Drive so onto the trainer I went. I was able to average about 92rpm with an average HR of 118. I rode 16.2 miles in that hour while watching "300". It is quite an intense movie during the battle scenes so it was easy to spin a high cadence. Only a couple of times did I notice my rpm dropping below 90.

My plan had swimming too but we are trying to finish the fort my parents are building for the boys so I helped out with that so John and Val didnt kill each other trying to do it on their own. One of the gals at the gym that has done IMC called yesterday and asked if I would swim in the lane next to her while she does her insane 5x400m intervals on the 6:45 mark with ONLY 20 seconds rest between. Her training partner had to have surgery on her foot and cant swim for a while. I am not supposed to make up training sessions that I missed so I will probably just do a short easy swim and be there for moral support.

I have a 40 minute run and another 60 minutes on the bike which I will probably do on the trainer again so I can babysit my parents, love you mom and dad!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

confidence building exercises

Started out my Saturday in 40 degree clear skies. It was a hard first hour. My legs were pretty much useless and I began wondering why I even ride a bike. I have moments like this far too often. I then remembered reading one of my team mates blog entry. He talked a lot about motivation and confidence and stuff. Here, read it for yourself: the March 20 entry. My first hour was slow, then I picked up my pace, effort, and stopped feeling sorry for myself and the last 1:20 was more steady. I got home and felt better. Overall, I only did 34 miles in 2:20 but I had not been on my bike but once this week, an hour on the trainer. I ran twice this week and didnt swim but on Monday, I am starting IMC training.

It has been hard not having a coach this year but budget constraints wont allow for it. I am going to follow my IMF plan but I have to adapt it since I can now run a little and would like to try running at least some of the time. I was thinking about having another coach I know tweak my old plan.

I am having horrible hip pain, usually worse after I run but I havent been dillegent about my stretching and icing/advil etc. As a physician, Im the worst patient. I know what to do but I am not very good at following my own advice. Next week, I will see my favourite massage therapist, Molly, to cash in on my 30 minute Christmas massage gift certificate. I am looking forward to it. I wish I could do it more often but 1) she has moved to SLO, CA, and is only here part time and 2) its not in the budget.

Run: 1:50, 7.5 miles
Bike: 3:20, 50 miles
Swim: 0:00, 0m

Monday, March 17, 2008

Back in the saddle

Rode the trainer for an hour today, cadence 90 average, Ave HR 117, ave speed 15mph. No shaking in the foot, no real effort. A good day!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spinning my wheels, selling bikes, AWAD

After spin yesterday, I wanted to throw my bike away. My leg wouldnt stop shaking when we were doing out of the saddle stuff and my knees kept hitting my gut reminding me of two things: I eat too many cookies and my aero position is far too extreme. I know I need to get a new fit done but my money is better spent elsewhere. not that the fit will cost money but the parts needed to bring me to a better position will not be free. Or will they....... ?

I have not been motivated lately to ride or run or especially swim. Technically, the six month program I wanted to follow for IMC starts tomorrow, Monday, so Im not really behind. Stacey wants me to try yoga and/or pilates but I am thinking that hour would be better spent on the bike or stretching on my own. Then again, I might really benefit from it and get rid of this pain in my hip. I think I have a good base, even though the last two weeks have been slow for me, so maybe decreasing my riding/running, and increasing my stretching/yoga thing might be a benefit for me overall. YEAH, thats it!!!!

I put my Bianchi up for sale last week. No calls on it yet but then again my phone has been disconnected for a few days. No emails either and that seems to be working fine. If I dont sell it soon, I will sell my Zipp wheels to my buddy Mark. I can always get new wheels through the store or even borrow a set for IMC.

Got my impairment rating done a couple of weeks ago. I was rated at a loss of exactly 15%. He said he might go as high as 18% but I was solid at 15%. That means technically, I can compete in the AWAD category in triathlon. I would love to go to world's in Vancouver in June but it would cost a bundle and I have the opportunity to go to Utah for soccer and make money instead of spending it. I could also be in Philly for a bike race and make money there too.

Some of my team mates are going to Boise for the 70.3 race there. I would love to go to that as well but again, money makes the world go round and currently, my world is at a standstill.

So, there are my rants, raves, blathering for the week. TTFN

Monday, March 3, 2008

gettin started on the plan

IMC is just shy of six months away so I dug out my old IMF training plan from 2006. It brings back some great painful memoriesI think I am going to be able to run some of the marathon this year, not sure how much but thats my plan. Then again, lots of things are in my plans but dont always turn out the way they should but for now, Im optimistic. So far, today is a day off but I will likely take the dogs for a long walk if the weather holds out. No running, just a good walk to shake the cobwebs off the dogs or at least off Sadie's fat butt.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back to Saturday group and riding alone

Yesterday, for the first time in months, I got up for the Saturday AM group swim. Im always up at 5am anyway, might as well get used to swimming again at that time in preparation for Ironman training. We usually get between 2000-2500m in 45minutes. I swam with my Tuesday/Thursday swim buddy, Jeff, and I think I damn near killed him. On the last few laps, he was way back. On Tues/thurs, we swim at his pace, around 1:50-1:55/100m. I usually pick it up when I take my turn at the front, to about 1:45 or so. Im thinking that next Tuesday, Im going to push him a lot. I need the training and he is very capable of keeping that pace, he just needs to warm up first. Not bad for a guy more than 10 years my senior. Then again, there are lots of guys in their 50's that can kick my ass all over the pool.
Right after the swim, I got dressed for an outdoor bike ride. Something a lot of folks in my swim group dont want to do unless it is 65+ F outside. I tried to convince a few people to go but there were plenty of excuses and no takers. I left about 750am on my rain bike, fully fendered, and was immediatly glad I put my extra jacket on. My head was chilly from having my new "aero" hair cut, but overall, I was toasty. Note to self, need new booties, my old ones are plumb worn out. I was having a great ride, testing myself on all the hills, some short ones, some long ones. I even did a 3.5 mile offroad ride on the same trail I run on. It started raining right about the time I was looking at going back to the club but I decided to try and stay out for longer. It only rained for 15 minutes but that was a long time as I got colder and my legs felt really tight. I put it in an easier gear and began trying to spin at 90+rpm to keep my legs from totally siezing up. I took it easy for the last 15 minutes except I chose to go back a shorter way, and took a very steep hill, probably 10% grade, back to the club. I ended up with 2:10 for time, unsure about the mileage as my rain bike doesnt have a computer, but my HR Average was 139. I didnt do any specific workout today, just wanted to get some saddle time outside. I want to really thank the inventor of Chamois Butt'R, its a Godsend.